is an R package for analysing multivariate ecological data with Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models (GLLVM). Estimation is performed using maximum likelihood estimation, together with either variational approximation (VA) or Laplace approximation (LA) method to approximate the marginal likelihood.
From CRAN you can install the package using:
Or the development version of gllvm
from github with the help of devtools
package using:
For getting started with gllvm
we recommend to read vignette Analysing multivariate abundance data using gllvm or introductions for using gllvm
for ordination and for analysing species correlations.
Other available vignettes are: Analysing microbial community data, How to use the quadratic response model, and Ordination with predictors.
The citation
function in R provides information on how to cite the methods in this package. Please remember to cite the software (version) separately from any relevent research articles to provide the appropriate credit to all associated contributors. The reference for the software package is: Niku, J., Brooks, W., Herliansyah, R., Hui, F. K. C., Korhonen, P., Taskinen, S., van der Veen, B., and Warton, D. I. (YYYY). gllvm: Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models.R package version XXX, where YYYY represents the publication date of the used version of the package represented by XXX.